Saturday, September 6, 2008

Have you decided?

As the day of elections is getting nearer, how many of us has decided to whom their vote will go?
Now is the time to start short listing, and refer to what each candidate has to offer, policies, background, leadership qualities etc.......

The recent Q.A Session held by think nation has played with the minds of many, in favour of whom time will tell.

While a leader with all obvious qualities of a leader may fail, that in no way means we should go for a leader with out any such qualities..and after reading the thoughts of writers, after knowing what great minds of this country think, the decision becomes very confusing.Unlike in America where they have got to choose between only two, we have to think a lot harder before we reach our decision....

However much confusing this is, it is a decision we have to make, and to begin with lets start shortlisting......


Anonymous said...

Hallakee UMAR!! ;p

Steps said... first I thought a Hindhi word or something.It took me a minute to get it.Thanks for commenting.