Showing posts with label Moral Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moral Story. Show all posts

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What should come first in life

There once lived an old man named Ibrahim..He was a very generous man and one who helped others a lot….He gets his happiness and contentment from helping others…especially those who are closest to him, his family and friends, neighbours……..He sincerely loves his grand daughters and kids……..He served his kids when he was young……..and when he was older, he served his grand kids, family and neighbours……..He would go to any length to serve them…That was always his first priority……ie even do their laundry, do shopping for them , take them to school etc, in his old age……Many a times when he is on his bike to the market to buy fish for his grand kids…from a mosque farway the call for prayer is being recited………But Ibrahim is too enthusiastic about serving his kids he missed the prayer call, many a times……His thoughts were else where……..

One would call Ibrahim a model grandfather……………., a model neighbor, etc

one day when he woke up, he could not move his right hand……………..Tears started rolling down his eyes……at that time he heard the call for prayer…….That was the moment of truth for him………He knew what he missed all his life………At that moment he realised he did not know to prioritize what comes first in life……..But was it too late……?

We never know……….May be the thoughts that crossed his mind and the tears that rolled down his eyes were a sign of faith in him……..Allah knows best….

Ibrahim thought can his grand sons come and give him the power to move his right hands?Can all the people he served and his neighbours come and help in anyway? Can their sympathy heal his pain?Can they hear the pain in his heart? Tears rolled down Ibrahims eyes………..May be it was not too late…Allah is the most merciful….

Moral of this story………. one should be able to identify what comes first in to worship Allah……….your creator, who gave you countless blessings, who is the most merciful……………Every good deed done with sincerity will be rewarded insha Allah..but all deeds such as helping others should come after worshipping Allah SWA

Everyone will face difficult times in life..Everyone will get sick and suffer from diseases at some time in their life….And death is the ultimate truth for everyone……..But for people who are righteous, and worship Allah……who knows what should come first in life….they have faith…which makes everything easier.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


“Life is an echo; all comes back,

The good, the bad, the false, and the true.

So, give the world the best you have &

The best will come back to you.”

A man and his son were walking in the forest. Suddenly the boy trips and feeling a sharp pain he screams, “Ahhhhh.”

Surprised, he hears a voice coming from the mountain, “Ahhhhh.”

Filled with curiosity, he screams, “Who are you?” but the only answer he receives is: “Who are you?”

This makes him angry, so he screams, “You are a coward!” and the voice answers, “You are a coward!”

He looks at his father asking, “Dad, what is going on?”

“Son,” he replies, “pay attention!” Then he screams, “I admire you!”

The voice answers, “I admire you!”

The father shouts, “You are wonderful!” and the voice answers, “You are wonderful!”

The boy is surprised, but still can’t understand what is going on.

Then the father explains, “People call this ‘ECHO’ but truly it is ‘LIFE!’ Life always gives you back what you give out! Life is a mirror of your actions. If you want more love, give more love!

If you want more kindness, give more kindness! If you want understanding and respect, give understanding and respect. If you want people to be patient and respectful to you, give patience and respect! This rule of nature applies to every aspect of our lives.”

Life always gives you back what you give out. Your life is not a coincidence, but a mirror of your own doings.

What is your echo?


A good example would be how Maldives reacted in SAFF cup. They wanted Maldives to win @ any cost.

Maldivians wanted it………more than anything else …….

They said, this is our time……..and they proved they were right. I feel, that Maldivians forgot that there should be a limit to everything……….

They said, “football in mulhi gaumai faidhaa kodheynan.” Though its diffciult to think of any use football is to the country in general.

The point I am talking about is life gives back what we give, what we want....

So we have to decide what we want out of life.