Tuesday, September 13, 2011


when you are 30 or 40 years old is the perfect time to look back upon your life, and ask yourself, what you have made of your life, what you have given, what you have taken...etc..
Its not the time to make mistakes, Its the timeto look back and learn...Its the time to teach, from what life has taught you, and start acting or being wise....

If when you are 40 or 50 you arent more loving, more giving, more caring, more in to thinking about the purpose of life, more in the remembrance of Allah, you should weep..and consider you life being wasted..But as each day is a new chance, there is still time to act on lifes knowledge...

Make up your mind today, to act wise even if you arent, It s likely to come with the acting...

May Allah gives us all a chance to repent, and be better human beings, better Muslims..

Saturday, September 10, 2011

sad day

It was a days' incidence,
which shook the entire nation.

Which brought tears to the eyes of all that
who heard the news.

Just a few days after the holy month of Ramazan,
when our hearts were still fresh with all the good
of the holy month of Ramazan..
the sad news brought tears to all our eyes..
As the whole nation became still, started thinking...

As we think of the lives lost,
And their families,
And the tragic way that ended the lives,
None can hold back tears

Such unity was seen through it,

our eyes might stop the tears.
But none can forget the tragic incident..

it brought with it, sorrows, tears, and lessons, we all can remember..
For the rest of our lives..

May Allah grant the souls, Jannah...

Monday, March 15, 2010

peace of mind.....

Humans are in need of contentment.We all search for ways of getting this.People choose various methods to arrive there.Some people listen to music, some people go for the luxuries of life, some work after fame, some after money and the list goes on. Quite often after achieving all these also, we still remain too far from content.

And then there are those of us (including me) who waste too much time on facebook, either playing games or either commenting somewhere or uploading personal photographs etc...Quite often not realising that we are spending so much time and getting a momentary pleasure...So much of our precious time wasted...

All of this proves that the most rare commodity on earth today is peace of mind...

In search of this we look for everywhere other than where we should be looking or working, to build our spirituality, and to know the purpose of life....

And there are those who think they are very much content with the material stuff in this material world...they are content till hardships comes along....

So where do we find this?
Dont look too far, Look inside your heart and ask your self why we are hear, try to understand the purpose of life, and learn to apply religous knowledge. Dont let our religous knowledge be a piece of information . Let it become something which is practiced according to Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Mohamed SAW. Knowledge which is not practiced only remains a piece of information.And information can be found anywhere today, on internet, books, etc...

May we learn to apply our religous knowledge on Islam.
May Allah SWA guide us to the straight path.